Bedouin Journey – Le Périple Bédouin

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Bedouin Journey

Who are we ?


Musa - Real bedouin from Wadi Rum

My name is Musa. I was born and raised in Wadi Rum desert. Indeed, my family is nomadic. I have always lived in this magnificent desert and I am proud to be able to share a little of my culture with you.

I started working in tourism at the age of 15. For several years, I have worked as a guide in Wadi Rum. I like to discover, through my experiences, the desert in which I grew up. I never tire of meeting new people from all walks of life. My activity fascinates me and each day that I spend guiding you in the desert enlivens me a little more.

We live in symbiosis with nature and want to transmit our culture as much as possible. Come and experience the Bedouin way of life with us, in an authentic and simple way.

“Rest assured, we will do our best to make your experience in Wadi Rum something exceptional and help create unforgettable memories”

Our team of bedouin guides

We are a team of guides. Indeed, in order to be able to offer you the best service, we had to seek our knowledge to be part of the Bedouin Journey adventure. We also work with guides that we know, friends or family. We were all born in the village of Rum and know the desert by heart.

We come from nomadic families and are committed to preserving Bedouin culture. We want to take care of the desert, which is the place where we were born, but also the place in which we live. We must listen to this nature, because the development of mass tourism is dangerous for the environment.

We also want to take care of Bedouin families who wanted to maintain a nomadic lifestyle. Among Bedouins, we are united and tourist activity is our main means of subsistence. It is up to us to make it as respectful as possible, in harmony with our values.


We are happy to Welcome you in our beautiful desert ! ☺️