Bedouin Journey – Le Périple Bédouin

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Bedouin Journey

Climate and weather in Wadi Rum

There is no “best” season to come and discover Wadi Rum. Indeed, the nature reserve is fascinating in all seasons. However, fall and spring seem to be the most favorable seasons for discovery. The winter and summer seasons represent the best choice if you want to avoid the tourist period. The temperature in Wadi Rum is pleasant all year round. However, although it benefits from an arid climate, temperatures at night can drop below freezing.

The seasons in Wadi Rum each have their own particularities :

printemps dans le wadi rum

Spring in Wadi Rum

In spring, Wadi Rum desert sees its flora appear. The red sand is covered with flowers and the trees shine. However, it is not uncommon to have heavy rain.

Wadi Rum desert

Autumn in Wadi Rum

Autumn is the best time in terms of climate. The weather is pleasant during the day and at night. However, this is the busiest period. From November onwards, the nights start to get cooler.

Summer in Wadi Rum

Summer is the season when Wadi Rum is least crowded. The months of July and August are the hottest. If you cannot tolerate high temperatures, we do not recommend planning your trip during this period.

l'hiver dans le wadi rum

Winter in Wadi Rum

In winter, temperatures average between 10 and 15 degrees during the day. On the other hand, the nights are cold. Wadi Rum can sometimes be surprised by the appearance of snow. Although the temperatures are striking, it is also the least crowded season.