Bedouin Journey – Le Périple Bédouin

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Bedouin Journey

Protect Wadi Rum


Wadi Rum, a desert landscape, is the work of a geological process that spanned thousands of years. This site is a heritage and a common heritage that must be protected. Today, there are many threats to the desert. The most important is the development of tourism. Indeed, we suggest you discover the desert by jeep tour. This can have an impact on our environment if we do not follow certain rules. The main thing is not to go off-piste so as not to damage our land.

In addition, this tourist influx brings another problem: trash. Every day we see a little more accumulation of plastics, bottles and others. We must take care of Wadi Rum and it is the duty of all of us to be vigilant.

This is why we have moved towards eco-responsible tourism. Indeed, we want to preserve Wadi Rum. In this sense, we offer you nights in bivouac / Under the stars, so as not to represent any threat to the nature reserve. We do not go off-piste, although this may seem surprising to you, tracks are identifiable and usable. At the same time, we do not leave any waste after our visits and make sure to leave the place as we found it.

Wadi Rum belongs to humanity and we must preserve it for you, for us and for future generations.